Monday, July 23, 2007

Leaving Cape Town

hi everybody;)

So, it's my last night in Bergvilet; a nice suburb to CT where I have been staying for the last week with rest of the South-Africa crew. Have had a amazing time here, gotten to see more CT and it has been a bit less hectic than Stellenb. But tomorrow I'm leaving for East London together with Camilla, Frank and Thierry, which also are staying in communities in Eastern Cape. First drop of will be Camilla, so I will most likely be in Mt. Frere on Friday. Am getting excited, scared and nervous and everything else I'M probably suppose to be feeling at this time. The rest of the guys left to day, so it's been good having an extra day to stress down and relax. Going to miss the group a lot, but I guess it's time to get started on what I'm really here to do.
In Mt.Frere I will be working on a program called Leading the Game, which includes programs called "Youth Leads", "School Sport", and"SCORE for All" . Guess that don't tell you guys much, but it basically means helping developing sport in the community, helping with organising leagues, festivals ect. and training youth to lead sports in the community.
In Mt.Frere I will be staying with a hostfamiliy. Don't know much about the jet, only that the dad is a mechanic, the mother has her own shop in the town and that they have one daughter. I will be working on 5 schools, and the one I will be working most on is only 1 km. from "my home".

Hope you are all doing well, enjoy the rest of your summer, and I would love to hear how you all are doing. keep me updated!!

will finish of with a quote my dear roommate Tanja gave me:

My will shall shape the future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man's doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze. My choice; my responsibility; win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny.


dad said...


Det er som å begynne på ny jobb dtte Marte. Du må ha 20 gode timer på bussen til M. Frere. Misunner deg ikkje det. Alt vel heime .


DivaIva said...

Marte Vennen!

Virkelig flott der nede! Eg misunne deg skikkelig- var nemlig i byn og kjøpte støvla idag... jess.. for en sommar!
Fortsatt litt 'tung til sinns' men håpa du snart gir meg instrukser om korleis vi skal gjere det for å ringe deg- sånn at eg får etterlengta murte råd!

Salsa kurset er i boks! begynne 27.august!! Bare vent - hoftene kjem til å gå ut av ledd før jul!! HAHAHAHAH

- enn so lenge vennen-
klem divaiva