Sunday, July 15, 2007

Mount Frere

My new hometown for the next 12 months are Mount Frere. Its an small town in Eastern Cape, below Lesotho! Don't know to much about it jet, only that its a lively place and the town is divided by a big state- road! Will be moving in to Cape Town with the other volunteers that is also staying in South Africa. Are having specific orientation there for a week so I'll get to know more then. Other than that, I'm doing fine. We had a great day yesterday. Some of us went on a Wine-tour to 3 different wineries. Stellebousch is the biggest Wine area in South Africa, with about 4000-5000 wineries! At night we had a Country-party. everyone decorated a room at the boys doorms with stuff from their country and served drinks. So we had Norwegian flags, music pictures and served Aqevitt and Karsk! First time I've tried Krask, and I don't recommend it:) I left my camera in one of the Norwegian guys room when we went to the bars, but last night while he was sleeping, some South-African Rugby players that also was staying at the dorms, came into his room and stole his camera and my camera!! Idiots! but its just a camera and I can get a new one. Luckily I got my luggage, cause some of the girls are still missing theirs, and they are going to Namibia and Zambia on Tuesday!
So everything is good, very tires to day so I think I'll end here. Having a hard time concentrating in English!:)

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