Wednesday, July 4, 2007

On My Way

So, I'm finally on my way to South Africa to work as a sport volunteer for youth and children for 12 months. Sorry to all of you I haven't called (as I promised Kari; I'm so sorry!!) and not sms'ed back. The last couple days have I have been really stressed since I leave everything to the last minute!

I started my journey today together with 12 other Norwegians who are going to Southern Africa as well; 3 of us to South Africa, 2 to Zimbabwe, 4 to Namibia and 3 are going to Zambia. We are all staying in Cape Town for 12 days first with SCORE (Sport Coach OutReach), which is the Organisation we will be working for in Africa. We were suppose to fly from Oslo to Heathrow, and then to Cape Town, but because of al the delays in both Norway and London, and the fact that the (idiot?) who booked our flight gave us only one hour transfer at Heathrow, we missed our flight to Cape Town. So now I'm sitting in a hotel by the airport and will not be in Cape Town untill Friday morning. But most of us don't really mind an extra night in a normal bed and hot shower!:)

I'm really nervous and excited and scared and everything at the same time at the moment. But I'm glad there are 12 of us who are in the same boat. Can't wait to get to Cape Town and meet the people from SCORE and learn more about what we are going to do and get some practise in the Townships. And experience Cape Town City as well:) Within the first week we will also learn where we will be working for the next 12 months and what they want us to do there!!

Well, I think I'm of to bed now! Sorry about mu english, but Its 1.20 am and I'm falling a sleep!

Promise to take care of myself and try to keep this page updated!

Enjoy your summer everyone!!

Best Wishes to all of you;)


Solé said...

ohlala marte! dette er spennende! Haaper du har det fint i London, og at du faar det enda finere i cape town. take care, watch out for a bear!

Gina Wigestrand said...

Lykke te Marte.
Komme te å savna deg her i Norge.
Kos deg masse der nere!

Holviken said...

Gi gass og pass deg for farlige basselusker. Eg har ikke snakket med Tim enda, men regner med det e greit at eg hilser fra han og.

Ps: Husk å kjøp med candy på vei tilbake