Friday, August 17, 2007

In the Rrural Communities...

Molo!!! Unjani? Ndiphililie.!:) That’s how far my Xhosa has gotten. Man it’s a hard language!

Three weeks have passed now, seems so much longer and shorter at the same time. Have been some long days doing nothing (when I start reading articles and manuals and taking notes I don’t have a test on, than I’m bored. Maybe you can borrow me “Ona Fyr” Iva? ;), and some fun days with lots of great people. Work in the schools is going slow, and holidays and rain have not helped!
But I’m being patience, and on Tuesday I finally had my first whole day in a school. Started at with Volleyball for grade 7. 60 students, two balls and one court. A bit different from volleyball with Ola at NIH! But the kids were great so it worked out fine! :) I then did two sessions with two Youth Leads groups before soccer training with a boys community team in the afternoon. So that’s how my day can look like, but no days are the same, and if it rains you do nothing, if it’s cold you don’t do any sports. So I play soccer in the streets with the kids, read and I am now on episode 20 of Grey’s Anatomy :)

Today I went to another school. I was sitting in the Principals office. He had found a paraffin heather for me, and some kids came with some matches. We have one at the house so I thought I knew how to light it. Well, I didn’t so there were really big flames coming from it and I didn’t know what to do. Luckily some grade 9 students came and helped me get it outside. They worked on it for an hour before they managed to kill the flames, but the heater was broken. The Prinicipals office was covered in smoke and it smelled really bad. Good first impression from the stupid foreign Girl!!!...:)

I have also started to play football for a girl team here. Think the plan is to help out with training as well, but they are very well organised and have two coaches, so I just bring some equipment and play with them. Went to Mthatha; city about an hour west of Mt.F, on Saturday and played a match against a university team there. A lot of people there, including Frank (another SCORE volunteer). Great to see a familiar face and to share experiences and frustrations with someone. We won the game 3-2. I scored one, one assist and was named woman of the match! Not bad!:)

So I’m starting to get use to the (semi)-Rrrural life in South Africa. The food is still good, except the cows head they served me, and the chicken I watch them kill and cock before serving me and the father the liver! Gina, you would have had a problem here my friendJ
The chickens don’t wake me up at 4 am anymore, it’s more like 5.30, and then at 6 am the radio is turned on with the volume on max, and stays on till 6 pm. I don’t mind listening to the radio, but it’s in Xhosa so I don’t understand much. Same with the TV. The only program I watch is Generations, and I bet all of the Volunteers in SA do the sameJ It’s SA version of Hotel Cæsar, you will love it Ann-C:) So there is only three things I really miss:
- a shower (there is only a bath here)
- Seeing the News in English or Norwegian(I don’t know what’s going on in the World)
- A couch ( Tv is in the kitchen so that’s were we sit all afternoon)

In two weeks I’ll be going to Cape Town with the other Norwegians. It’s with NIH so we will be at the University there for a week attending lectures ect. Really excited about seeing everybody again and taking a showerJ Will post some pic then, because the internet here is just to slow.

So life is good, have no regrets and no homesickness. But I still miss you all.
I hope you are doing fine, and good luck with your studies, work, travelling and keep me updated!:)

Best of Wishes, Nolita


Eirik said...

Dear Marte!

Nice to hear you’re doing all right. Liverpool went of to a flyer last Saturday when Gerrard scored a fantastic goal from 30 yards 3 min before the final whistle. Aston Villa had just made it 1-1 on a penalty. Needless to say we all went mad! Gerrard celebrated like it was the world cup final. TMFK have now won two in a row and I’m finally getting my fitness back and scored a cracking header after a Vabo corner to make it 2-0 against Eid in a 2-1 win. Dad said I had snow on my head when I came back down.
My room is starting to take shape and I’ve decided to put a 32” LCD TV up on the wall. I think you would have liked it
The weather is shite and it’s poring down constantly. But who cares when it’s football on TV al day long. This Sunday it Man City – Man Utd and Liverpool-Chelski. I’m praying for bad weather. I’m probably hangover as well so I’m due a twelve hour shift on the couch.
Take care!


dad said...

Hei Marte.

Det er vel Marte du heiter framleis.
Spennande å høyre korleis du må jobbe fram løysingar og tilpasse deg ein skikkeleg framand kultur. Det er ei fin livserfaring å ta med seg.
At du skulle klare å røyklegge rektor sitt kontor er bra gjort . Korleis såg han ut etterpå (utan å vere rasist) ?
Du har også imponert forstår eg . Volley ball med så mange elever , 2 baller og ei bane det er ikkje lett å handtere . Det er bra.
Her er det lite med sol . Det regner og regner jamt og trutt.
Ser fram til jule ferie i sol og varme på Sør Afrika kysten .
Håper du klarer brasene og står på. Det er andre som har det verre enn deg. Tenk på Iva åleine i Oslo og Ann C åleine langt i nord.


Anonymous said...

Hei Marte!

Kjekt å følge med på eventyret ditt. Kan ikkje du få lagt ut nokon bilde snart?

Og har du ei adresse der nede, slik at vi kan få sendt deg et postkort fra Tyskland?

Ellers; sjekk ut sida vår;, har lagt ut en del nye bilde fra ulike plassa vi har besøkt.


DivaIva said...


Å røykleggje rektors kontor??!!!!
Du e jammen go du- lo so eg hiksta når eg las det- skikkelig impregnert over deg! Det der er en sånn episode du ville ha trudd eg kom til å klare å gjere!! DU RULA!! skulle likt å vore ei fluge på veggen der ja!!

Her heime va eg og marianne (ho som eg var på srpåkreise med som eg har møtt igjen)på fest hos gutta boys! Det va kjempe artig!!Fikk endelig hilse på Helene (til martin) og ho va skikkelig hyggelig! So va audun og dama der- han hilse forresten!! En magnus som har gått på skule med monika, monica og kathrine i kina va der og (verden e so liten)!! Stian kom etterkvart og skulle hilse so masse fra han. Daniel (fra juleverkstedet- han so sang so masse karaoke med deg!) va der og!! Og han kjeme på juleverksted hos meg iår igjen (det er 30 november- ac har bestemt dato.) men blei skuffa når du ikkje e der... so han og martin skal ta over posten som du hadde- men dei ville gjerne legge inn litt meir drikkevarer på postane sa han!!
Va kjempe artig fest- og enda på fridays. Va skikkelig gruggen idag- stod opp kl 3!!

Ellers alt bra her!Holde på å lese reiseboka om sør afrika sånn at vi e godt forberedt!!

Savna deg Marte- ringe deg ila neste helg tenke eg!!
Ha det godt så lenge- ta vare på deg sjøl!!

Klem fra DivaIva

Marte :) said...

tusen takk for alle kommentarane. rekotr var ikkje paa kontoret pappa saa det saa:) no skal eg sta aa vere med paa baseball trening her, interessant:) sola skinner og eg er blitt solbrent! bilder kjme om eit par uke, tar for lang tid her. altfor dyrt internett!! klem