Friday, February 1, 2008

On the move


Just a short update now becuase things are changing here. SCORE called me tuesday and asked if I wanted to be team leader for a porject called SCORE on the move. So tomorrow I go to Joburg for genreal orientation and then we start working in Limpopo on the tenth of febuary. I am realy excited about it because it is a great oppurtunity, but also sad about leaving Mt. Frere so soon. I have had an amazing time here, and saying goodbye to everyone has been really hard. But I'm looking forward to seeing more of South Afria and getting more responsibilities and work.
The porject will last till the end on June and we will be working in three different communitites in the Limpopo province. Thats basically all I know for now, but will keep you updated!!

have a great weekend everyone!!

XXX Marte

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