Friday, October 12, 2007

I've seen the rain fall in Africa

I’ve seen the rain fall in Africa

So, it’s been almost two weeks since I came back from Coffee Bay and it has been raining EVERY single day!! I can’t say patience is my strongest side, and people who know me well know how restless I get. I’m now almost done with all my dvds, so I hope my brother, Eirik, has sent the package he promised meJ Also read a couple of books, and done a lot of administration work. But with the power on and of for the last week it’s been a challenge.

But in-between all the rain there have been a couple of sunny mornings, so last Saturday we organised school matches between two of the schools in handball, netball, soccer and volleyball. It was a bit chaotic, but great fun :)
And yesterday I had my first Youth Leads tournament. 10 grade 6 students organised it for grade 5 & 6 in soccer and netball, and almost 100 kids played. It was a lot of screaming (I still have a headache), but the kids had fun and enjoyed themselves. The other schools will organise them the two following weeks so if the weather is good, that will keep me occupied.

Yesterday Mark (another volunteer from Canada) came to Mt.Frere again, and is staying till Christmas. He is working on a different SCORE project here in Eastern Cape and will be travelling to the other SCORE communities, but will be based here in Mt.Frere. I’m really happy about that, will be great to have a familiar face around!!

So things are still good in South Africa! And today the sun is back:) I will never complain about the heat again...
Have a great weekend everyone. Not sure what I will be doing. But TIA so anything can happen:)

Take care,

1 comment:

AMY said...

Hei Marte
Fint å lese at det kan regne også i Sør Afrika og ikkje berre her i Bergen. Men det må nok regne mykje meir før det kan måle seg med samanhengande 3 månadar slik vi hadde det i fjor. Ser at du har fått med deg at Brann tok seriegullet. Her i Bergen har det stort sett vore feiring på feiring. Ser også av avisa at din bror Endre sikra seriemeisterskap for laget sitt. Stå på. Artig å fylgje med på "sida" di
Helge+ Anne Marie