It's almost time to leave this amazing country which has been my home for the past 13 months. I have had an fantastic time; learned so much about my self and about these communities, met so many wonderful people which have touched my heart in so many ways.
Host families have opened their homes to me and made me part of families , their generosity and kindness have meant so much to me. They have given me insight and knowledge about different cultures and ways of life which I could not have received anywhere else.
Communities and their members have accepted this Umlungu as one of them. When my coach from Mt. Frere told me that they wanted to give me their traditional costume to show their appreciation for everything I had done for them, I almost cried. They do not have much, but what they have they always share!
With new friends I have shared culture shock, laughter, tears, experiences and challenges over the last year. Without them and their support I am not sure I could have survived. The support from everyone at home has also been priceless. I guess it has not always been easy to understand or grasp the context of what I'm talking about and experiencing, but knowing that people at home are interested and care about me has meant a lot. Enkosi:)
I am looking forward to going home, but at the same time scared.. Am i ready for Norway?
For now I'll finish of with some inspiring words by a guy called Gandhi:
Be the change you want to see in the world!
Good Friends
My soccer team in Tiyani. These boys were amazing!
Good times with my team in Mt. Frere
My inspiring little sister in Mt. Frere Cwete.

1 comment:
Arrrghh! I just wrote a long comment and my computer died! Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. It has been great reading your blog in preparation for moving to Mount Frere. It is a great place, although hard to get used to being Umlungu and having people stare at you all day long! The people at the Hlomelikusasa office (where we work) are all incredibly nice, and said nice things about you! We've met Ina a few times, and she's great too. SCORE seems like an amazing program. We are really happy/lucky to be in this apartment, too! IT's off the main road, when you turn at Standard bank. Just across the street from a scrap yard. It's a nice building, and we're grateful to have our own space, though it sounds like the host families are really wonderful too!!! I hope you are having a good time getting back to your life in Norway. Take care,
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